How can you know that your partner is cheating on you? If you’re thinking about this question, you probably already suspect that you’ve been cheated on, or at least that something is wrong in your relationship. Of course, the signs of cheating look different in every relationship – but there are some commonalities you can look out for. First of all, you should be aware of the following: If your gut is telling you that your partner is cheating on you, something is most likely going wrong.
Improved appearance
If your significant other suddenly starts exercising and eating healthier without involving you in the process and motives, it could be a sign that he or she is trying to appear more attractive to someone (maybe to themselves or even to you, but maybe to an affair).
Secret use of phone and computer
People with affairs tend to use their cell phones more than usual and guard them as if their lives depended on it. If your partner’s phone and laptop never used to require a password and now do, that’s not a good sign … If your partner suddenly starts deleting chats and messages, that’s not a good sign either. Does your partner never let the phone out of his or her sight and even takes it into the bathroom when he or she takes a shower? Then it’s probably time for a talk.
Less, more, or different sex in your relationship.
Both less and more sex in your relationship can be a sign of infidelity. Less sex happens because your partner is focused on someone else. More sex occurs because he or she is trying to hide it. Another possible sign of infidelity is that the sex you have is less emotional and connecting. Another possible sign may be that your partner is introducing new techniques and activities into your sex life. As much as this may be fun, it’s possible that the new tricks may have been learned outside of the relationship …
A changed schedule
If your partner has never worked long hours and suddenly finds themselves working overtime more and more often, or suddenly has to go on a business trip, this could be an indication of an affair. Low battery, traffic jams, extra time at the gym and similar excuses for lateness or absence can also indicate infidelity. An unfaithful partner might also suddenly forget to pick up the kids or forget birthdays and other important events.
Please note: Your partner could show all of these signs and still not cheat. However, these items are signs that something is wrong in their life and/or in your relationship. It may not be cheating, but there is certainly something you should talk about. Conversely, it may be that your partner is not showing any of these signs and is cheating anyway.
Either way, the good news is that discovering infidelity doesn’t have to automatically mean the end of your relationship. It just means that you have a lot of work ahead of you if you want to restore trust in the relationship and sexual intimacy.
If you learn that your partner has cheated on you, we strongly recommend that you don’t stay alone with this information. If you feel uncomfortable confronting your partner, talk to a trusted person or therapist about the situation – but it’s best not to stay alone with your fears and feelings.